Someone To Tell It To's
11th Annual Gathering
We are celebrating!
· 11 years of providing compassionate listening to those who need it.
· Those who have bravely shared their stories with us.
· The listeners who have provided the compassionate listening.
· Our generous sponsors who enable us to provide this much-needed service.
· Our training courses where more than 800 people have learned how to be compassionate listeners since 2012.
· Our successful outreach programs, such as our podcasts, our keynote speeches, our books, and other methods of “spreading the word” about listening.
· Our staff, team members, board members, advisors, and volunteers who support all of us throughout the process.
Come help us celebrate all of our successes and hear the exciting story that Jeanne Zappe has to share.
When: September 23rd, 2023 4-7pm EDT
Where: WITF 4801 Lindle Rd, Harrisburg, PA 17111
What: Heavy hors d’oeuvres and drinks, music, stories of Someone To Tell It To’s transformative impact, and a delightful and engaging keynote speaker
Keynote Speaker
Jeannie Zappe
Jeannie Zappe who On September 6, 2021, at the age of 55, completed a solo crossing of the English Channel from Dover, England to Wissant, France in 14:55 hours. She became the 707th woman since 1926 to do so, and was also 20 years older than the average successful Channel swimmer. Her story is riveting. Jeannie will share with us about why she did it and how vital it is for all of us to live our dreams. Her eternal optimism inspired her. It inspires us. It will inspire you too.
Call To Action

“Don’t ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive, and go do that, because what the world needs is people who have come alive.”
- Howard Thurman